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One of 63 active affiliate clubs of Jaguar Clubs of North America, Inc. – whose membership totals more than 6,000 in the U.S., Canada and Mexico – the Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh (JCOP) was started in 1971 when a small group of friends placed an ad in a local newspaper looking for other Jaguar owners and fans.


Membership has grown to 100 Jaguar enthusiasts, who participate in a variety of events planned by club members throughout the year. They include tech sessions, concours, car displays and day tours, as well as dinner meetings, holiday parties and other special activities approved by the board.


A long-time member, Henry VerValen, who owns an XK120, XK140, XK150S and an E-Type and has won awards for them at Jaguar events locally and in different states, says of the Pittsburgh club, “For some reason, the club has a wonderful personality. It’s special, unique, and it’s all related to the cars and the love we have for them.”


The Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh hosted the 50th Annual General Meeting of Jaguar Clubs of North America in March, 2008, which included as special guest, legendary Jaguar Cars test driver Norman Dewis from the UK. The club also was a host in 2006 when Jaguar was Marque of the Year at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, a charity event that features the only U.S. vintage races still run on city streets. The Pittsburgh Jaguar club also staged a concours and a dinner at a country club for PVGP’s Grand Marshal, Bibiana Boerio, Jaguar Managing Director and Latrobe, PA native.


The Pittsburgh club also participated in 10 days of motorsport events during the 2016 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, which again honored Jaguar as Marque of the Year. The club donated proceeds from its welcome dinner auction at A&L Motor Sales showroom to the PVGP charities, the Autism Society of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Valley School.


History of the Jaguar Clubs of North America


The Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA), founded on January 16, 1958, exists to promote and encourage a spirit of mutual interest and assistance among owners of Jaguar automobiles, to assist in the formation of local Jaguar owners' clubs and to charter these groups, to provide a means for the exchange of information concerning Jaguar automobiles, and to publish periodic bulletins and magazines containing material of interest to members.


The objects and purposes of JCNA are to promote interest in motoring, foster and encourage a spirit of mutual interest and assistance in the acquisition and preservation of Jaguar automobiles among owners; to charter or otherwise enter into agreements with clubs or groups of Jaguar owners desiring to support the objectives and share in the benefits of the corporation by becoming a JCNA member group; to exchange recognition with other corporations, associations or groups in other countries that have similar objects and purposes; to promote enhanced driving standards and to encourage skillful driving on the public highways; to promote interest in motoring activities, classes, exhibitions, publications and motor sports related to the marque. Club activities encouraged by JCNA include Concours d'Elegance, Road Rallies, Slaloms, Tours and Social meetings. All are at the option of the local club.


Jaguar Clubs of North America's Board of Directors adopted the following VISION and MISSION STATEMENTS in March 1994.


The Jaguar Clubs of North America is the friendliest and best association of Jaguar enthusiasts fulfilling the needs and interests of the members.


The Board provides a structure for effective and efficient operation of the Jaguar Clubs of North America in finance, administration, and competition. It communicates effectively with the members.

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